News from HS Counselors

Kevin Callahan

Students are in their classes for the semester, mostly live and some virtually, and adjustments have been made to assure that class sizes are optimal for our students. It’s been a grueling start to the year for our teachers, who have made sure that clubs, organizations, sports, drama, dance and other activities are again part of the school year.  Be sure that your student has a manageable schedule and is able to organize a balance between school work and extracurricular activities.  The biggest source of stress for our students in being double-booked; having to miss an obligation and then explain why is hard on a young person!  Check out this article from a Canadian publication about maintaining balance among all the demands on young people these days.  And think about: what does my student do with their “down time”?  After all the time we and our kids have been spending online, we are really lucky to be here in Thailand and able to go outside and enjoy some fresh air and exercise.  Spend a little time with your student!

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