Clarification on absence and expectations

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

The global pandemic has impacted practices around the world as schools adjust to virtual school, on campus safety regulations, and hybrid learning (a combination of at school learners with remote learners). ISB is no exception. Here on campus our teachers are delivering lessons for students in the classroom while connecting with students, both synchronously and not, online as well. This has required adaptability, changes in practice, and hours of additional time each week for every teacher to provide online learning for students who are studying remotely.

On this last point, it’s important to understand that the intent and implementation of this program is FOR remote learners who are unable to access campus. It is NOT for when a child is home away from campus because they aren’t feeling well or for other family reasons.

If your child is sick, their time at home should be spent resting and recovering so that they may return to campus sooner rather than later. If there are other reasons a child is staying home, then we do not want the student connecting to live zoom classes. If they can attend the live zoom and aren’t unwell, they should be at school.

We firmly believe that learning is best for students when they are at school. We also believe that students who need to rest and recover at home should do so. Students will learn important self-management skills when they return to school to make up work, as they self-advocate and interact with teachers. This is a skill that is important for their entire lifetimes.

Zoom classes are not in place to encourage removing students from class during school times, nor having them try to do school work when they aren’t well. 

Thank you for your understanding and support of our students and teachers.

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