Schedule Changes still taking Place

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

After two days of middle school classes (and one Welcome Day), we have seen our middle school enrollment thrive. As such, we have had to add some additional elective sections to better balance class sizes and meet scheduling needs. 

As such, students may have a change in their schedule in the coming week. We do our best to keep students with the same teacher that they have met this past week, but they may chance class periods. We understand sometimes this may feel strange after attending one meeting of another class, however it is essential to ensure that classes aren’t overcrowded and that students have the best possible learning environment. 

This year, in particular, keeping class sizes even and well distributed is essential to allow for proper distancing. We appreciate the understanding of our students and parents. We do our best to resolve all scheduling issues in the first few days of school so that students can build a routine and follow a consistent schedule.

Students with a schedule change will be notified and called to the office to pick up a new schedule.

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