‘Virtual Finish’

Dear Parents,

As this week’s edition of the HS Enews will be the last communication for the school year. I wish to share my sincere thanks and gratitude to all of our students, parents and teachers for their effort, commitment, flexibility and positive approach to dealing with this pandemic and the impact on our ideal learning environment and conditions over the past 13 weeks. 

We would not voluntarily choose virtual school over ‘regular’ school, but I can say with pride and confidence that our teachers were amazing this semester during virtual school. Their effort, dedication and willingness to learn and consider new teaching styles and pedagogies ensured that virtual school (ISB style) was the best it could possibly be. From screencasts, online quizzes, breakout rooms, chat rooms, flipgrid videos, zoom lessons, screen sharing, flipped classrooms and of course lots of opportunities for discussion, our teachers really did go the extra yard to make the learning engaging, fruitful and meaningful. Their work was made easier though because of the resilience and efforts of our students, who also deserve commendation for making their way through these uncertain times. There were ups and downs along the way for sure, but our teachers are very proud of the amazing attitude and engagement of our students. 

Thank you parents for sharing your children with us this year. 

Our Seniors have had an equally disrupted year, but were still able to graduate last week and celebrate together on campus with a golf cart parade and a gathering on campus to say goodbye to one another and to the ISB campus. I wish all of our ISB graduates all the best with whatever challenge they pursue next whether that is college, a gap year or another endeavour. Congratulations Class of 2020.

For students, families and teachers that are leaving at the end of the school year, I wish you all the best with your move back home or to a new country and school.  I hope that your travel plans work out and you are able to make your way to your new destination. Remember and appreciate your experiences here in Thailand and good luck to you all. 

For our returning families and students, please enjoy the summer break, take time to be together and to follow your interests. Stay healthy and safe and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday August 10th, 2020

Justin Alexander
HS Principal

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