Medical Forms Submission

Dear Parents,

It is that time of year when we request the return of student medical forms. 

During these challenging times, we understand some of you may have concerns about visiting a healthcare provider to complete the necessary forms. In order to make the process more effective and feasible, while also not compromising on our commitment to student safeguarding through preventative screening, we have reviewed our requirements and made the following permanent adjustments:

Only students entering grades 3, 6, and 9 who have not submitted a medical form in the preceding 6 months will be required to undergo the necessary health checks and submit the returning student medical forms by July 15th.

Starting Monday 15th, we request that families login to Powerschool to provide student health information. Updates for all other grades must be made by July 31st.

Scroll to the Medical Update tab and follow directions to:  

  • review and update your child’s medical status 
  • consent to the administration of over the counter medication if necessary
  • consent to the sharing of information with relevant parties 
  • consent to treatment in case of an emergency

If you update your child’s vaccination status at any time, please submit the record to nurses in the Health Centre so they can amend your child’s record on Powerschool.

If your child has a severe allergy requiring the use of an epipen, moderate to severe asthma, or type 1 diabetes, they will still be required to see their specialist and have the appropriate medical care plan completed annually, as it is important their condition is reviewed and we are informed of any changes.

Students on long term prescription medication which needs to be administered in school daily (e.g ritalin), will also need to see their specialist and have the long term prescription medication form completed.

All forms can be downloaded from the ISB website under Health Services.

If you have any queries, please feel free to email a nurse in the Health Centre; as we’re happy to help.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and understanding in advance.

By: June D’Mello, ISB Health Co-ordinator
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