Reminder-Information about Equipment Returns and Collection

Dear ISB Community,

Thank you to those families that have completed the booking for the equipment return and collection. If you haven’t already done so, please schedule a time here. Please arrive for your drop-off and collection during your allotted time. It is important that we maintain a certain number of people during this process for safety and distancing purposes. 

When you arrive, you will sign in at the front of school and complete the Self-Declaration form.  Please bring a phone or device that will allow you to do this upon arrival. After signing in and during your scheduled time, you will enter past our thermoscans and follow the pathways to the various collection points, ending in the Chevron theater where classroom or locker items will be returned, instruments and school books will be collected, and yearbooks will be handed out.

What do I need to return?

  • For returning families of Middle School and High School, students have the option to keep their laptop for the Summer.  
  • Leaving families who are participating in Summer School may keep the laptop till the end of Summer School. 
  • For Elementary School families who have borrowed a school Laptop or iPad, these should be returned (unless participating in Summer School, in which case they can be returned at the end of Summer School – information will come around this process in a few weeks).  
  • Borrowed school text books, library books, classroom books, learning materials, musical instruments etc. should also be returned at this time.  
  • Please note that there will be a cost for any lost items. If you may have lost a school item, please bring cash so that payment can be made immediately and accounts cleared. ATMs on campus will be accessible.

What will I collect?

Student equipment, artwork and supplies that have been left at school will be available for collection. Some students may also be picking up items needed for Summer School.  Yearbooks from each division (1 per child) will be distributed at this time. There will also be a chance to see what items are in the Lost and Found.

Departing Families

Families that are leaving ISB will be provided with a Departing Family Checklist that will guide the process on the day. After checking in and entering campus, departing families will close out with the cashier’s office before proceeding through the remainder of the drop-off collection process. Any outstanding payments for lost items can be paid during this process. Packages from the divisional counseling offices will be distributed along with the yearbooks and other items to be returned. For ES, these will be available starting Thursday and for MS/HS they will be available from Friday onwards.

Should I bring my child(ren)?

For Elementary School families, parents must come for the collection and there is no requirement for a student to attend. Please note that we are trying to limit the number of people on campus, so please keep to immediate family only. Middle School and High School students are welcome to come on their own.  

Thank you for your consideration.

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