Counseling Newsletter

Kevin Davy 

A massive congratulations to our seniors! It’s hard to believe another school year has passed here. For many the recent events of the pandemic have presented some real challenges and from it we have encountered great stories of resilience & empathy. Our students, teachers, administrators and parents have to be commended for their commitment and adaptability. There is such potential to come out of this stronger.

I (Kevin Davy) have had the chance to share with some in the community that I will not be returning to ISB next year. It has been a wonderful 9 years at the school. Our facilities are incredible, but it is the students, staff and community that have made the experience for me. You are ISB! Thank you.

As I head out to Switzerland with my family to be closer to my home country (UK) I will cross by in the other direction the counselor that will be replacing me. She is kind, energetic and very knowledgeable. A great addition to the ISB community.

Here is some info from Shannon:


My name is Shannon Leoni and I will be joining the ISB team as a High School Counselor. I can’t wait! I’m finishing my 6th year as the Social and Emotional Counselor at the International School of Brussels. This was my first international school position, and I’m looking forward to continuing the adventure at another ISB. A few things about me: I’m originally from Chicago, have lived in Spain and South Africa, and completed my Master of Social Work at Boston College.When I’m not in counseling mode, I can be found eating dessert, studying languages, attempting to cook, making puns, and planning my next trip. One of the highlights of working as a counselor is getting to connect with students and being a part of their high school experience, and I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone and immersing myself in the ISB community.

If you are leaving ISB we wish you all the best in your new adventure and for those returning we will look forward to seeing you next year. Have a great summer everyone.

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