A Final Thank You

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

We know that expressing gratitude is an important exercise both in the positive contributions it makes to the recipient AND the important boosts in mental health it offers the expressor of thanks. Gratitude is one of our ISB Values and we ensure that we show our appreciation and thanks when we can.

In the vein, I would like to extend my thanks to the ISB middle school parent community for their support during this extended time of Virtual School. When the quarantine and subsequent campus closure started back in March, we had no idea we would be learning and teaching online for 14 weeks. Parents offered candid feedback, positive support for the effort of teachers, and wonderful at-home structures for their children. With your support, we were able to continue learning for our students and look after their well-being and opportunities to stay connected with the school.

Thank you to our counselors and teachers, who re-imagined teaching and learning on they fly, while school and lessons continued. Their professionalism and passion for learning and their care for young people shined through their tireless effort, above and beyond support for students, and stamina through countless hours on technology. Teaching in this manner is NOT why each of these professionals became a teacher. We missed the joy of interacting with students, seeing their smiles, and supporting their learning at school. But our teachers “Kept Calm and Carried On,” turning this global crisis into an opportunity to learn, grow, and support students differently.

Finally, on behalf of all of us in the middle school, I want to express thanks to our middle school students. Their motivation, effort, engagement and resilience through the 14 weeks of Virtual School exceeded my own expectations. Day in and day out, students showed up to Zoom classes, completed work, took on assessments, and engaged in wellness activities for balance. The students make me so proud to be associated with ISB and so proud of the maturity of our middle school youngsters.

As we end this bizarre school year, thank you, to all of you. Together we did it.

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