‘Virtual Finish’  

Dear Parents,  

What a wonderful week of graduation celebrations for our seniors and culminating performances and exhibitions by our wonderful musicians and artists. June 1-3rd saw 130 ISB Seniors receive their Diplomas from their parents as they walked across the stage in the Chevron. With the support of a wonderful team of office staff, B and G, our AV tech team and HS Admin team the Chevron was transformed and families were able to celebrate in style on campus this week. The final graduation ceremony and video will be released and shared on the last day of school at 6 pm via Facebook live and youtube live, so do keep a lookout for the link and more details next week.    To finish off the school year for our seniors we are holding a Senior Graduation golf cart parade on Friday, June 12th starting at 8.30 am from the school car park. Seniors will drive past teachers on campus, before heading out around Nichada on a predetermined route. Students, parents, and community members are encouraged to come out (with appropriate social distancing) and cheer the seniors as they make one last lap around Nichada wearing their graduation gowns and caps. We will publish the route and timings early next week, but please note that we have moved final assemblies, etc for ES/MS and HS so that all students living at Nichada can come out to cheer in the morning.    Last week of school.  We have just received news that International schools are not permitted to open on June 8th and therefore we will continue with virtual school next week. Monday, June 8th – Wednesday, June 10th will continue as per our current virtual schedule and we will organise a modified schedule on Thursday and Friday that includes class times, advisory, house events before finishing with a virtual assembly on Friday, June 12th at 10.30 am. Exact details about the modified schedule will be shared on Monday with students. Further information about the return of books, resources, and collecting yearbooks, etc will be shared early in the week.    Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to the last week of school.   

Justin Alexander  
HS Principal

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