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Middle School Schedule for Final Week

by Dennis Harter

As you will have seen in the school-wide email sent from the Head of School’s Office, we will not be able to have students on campus for our final week of school. We had been hopeful and excited at the possibility that we would see students one last time on campus this school year, but we will not be able to.

We will adjust the schedule slightly for some days to allow for more time in Advisory and we will recreate some fun for students on Thursday, since we won’t be able to do the fun class trips we usually do on that day.

Here is the schedule for the week:

Monday, June 8, Day 2 (same as we have been doing)

  • 8:45 – 9:45 – Period 2
  • 10:15 – 11:15 – Period 4
  • 12:15 – 1:15 – Period 6
  • 1:45 – 2:45 – Period 8

Tuesday, June 9, Day 1 (adjusted schedule)

  • 8:45 – 9:30 – Period 1
  • 10:00 – 10:45 – Period 3
  • 11:00 – 11:30 – Advisory
  • 12:30 – 1:15 – Period 5
  • 1:45 – 2:30 – Period 7

Wednesday, June 10, Day 2 (adjusted schedule)

  • 8:45 – 9:30 – Period 2
  • 10:00 – 10:45 – Period 4
  • 11:00 – 11:30 – Advisory
  • 12:30 – 1:15 – Period 6
  • 1:45 – 2:30 – Period 8

Thursday, June 11, RECHARGE DAY

Normally on the last full day of the year, we have a fun-filled day with the Grades 6 & 7s visiting water parks, bowling, and enjoying each other’s company, while the Grade 8s are in their Moving On Ceremony.

So this year, while we celebrate our Grade 8s in our Virtual Moving On Ceremony broadcast, we will unveil our RECHARGE program to the grade 6 & 7 students. On the day, students will be encouraged to check out the ideas, do some fun things for themselves, think about what they might want to try over the summer, and then we’ll check in with them at 12:00 Noon through Advisory. We know these kids have earned a fun day of choice after 15 weeks of Virtual School! (To learn more about the RECHARGE program, see the other post in these eNews.)

Of course, for our Grade 8s, we hope the family watch the ceremony together and then make it a special day for their new high schooler!

Friday, June 12

  • 9:30 AM – One Last Advisory
  • 10:00 – 11:00 – Our Final MS Assembly Online Broadcast

We will also be sharing this schedule with our students through the bulletin and in class. 

It’s not the way we would have like to end the school year, but we will do our best to make it special and give our students some closure on the year.


School Materials Collection and Return 

Now that we know we aren’t able to have students back on campus, we need to use a system to return students’ personal belongings that are here at school and collect the school materials that students still have at home. 

For some this will include returning the laptop and charger, a musical instrument, or other school books or materials that were borrowed. All students will need access to computers to watch the final assembly online on Friday, June 12th.

In the most recent communication from ISB, there was a link to sign up for a pick-up/return materials date and time. Please read that email and complete the form in order to understand the process and safety requirements that will be in place.


We all need a RECHARGE this Summer 

by Dennis Harter

As we wind up the school year, students, parents, and teachers alike have worked hard, stared at a computer for way too long, and are exhausted. The strain of global news, the pandemic’s impact on travel plans, and the day to day grind of virtual learning has put a drain on all of us. 

At ISB we wanted to provide our community with a resource to help us all find fun ways to “RECHARGE” our energy. For so many of us connection with family, travel, adventure, and rest during the summer months give us that boost and recharge our personal “batteries.” 

So with the amazing work of Ms. Kehe, the MS Librarian, we have put together our RECHARGE program … a resource for ideas for all of us to try, enjoy, and find excitement in. 


For students who want to keep track of the things they’ve done, we created a simple form to log different ideas. But the idea is to have some fun, try some new things, and do the things that we love and give us energy. Some will want to keep track and try something from every category … others will just look for ideas in the areas they love. It’s all good!

We just want to provide ideas, so no one can say, “I’m so bored … I’ve got nothing to do….”  

We hope that this resource is helpful to families and we will keep adding ideas as we come across them.

Let’s all RECHARGE this holiday!


Check out Library Books for Summer 


Visit our Library pre-order book request form.


Library Resources for Understanding 

Sometimes global news can hit a nerve with our families or students that may be difficult to talk about. At times, we know we want to learn more or engage in conversation, but aren’t sure where to start or how to build understanding. Often books can help us with this.

With protests and racism in the U.S. dominating the news cycle our library team has put together a list of books that we have available if you feel they may be helpful to you or your family.



(/ˈpanTHər/ /rôrz/) noun 1. Full, deep, prolonged utterances of positive expression by ISB community members in response to the world pandemic. Check out the newest projects including the MS Online Art Exhibition, Legs for Legs (reprise)Anon(ymous), the IB Virtual Art Exhibition, the High School Orchestra Virtual Concert (password is MUSIC), and the High School Choirs singing Don’t be Afraid.  




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