ES e-News for June 5, 2020

Protests in the US and Around the World
We want to address the protests that are currently happening in the US, and around the world.  At ISB, we believe in teaching the values of care and integrity; and, we also believe in actively teaching anti-racism, and supporting children to understand their privilege.  This is not easy work.  All of our students and families deserve to feel seen and represented.   

We are committed to educating families and sharing resources.  Students (and you, as parents) might be feeling a variety of emotions.  Here are some talking points that our counseling team has put together to support you:

  1. Acknowledge and validate your child’s feelings. Share your own feelings. Parents may avoid the conversation because they do not know what to say or don’t want to make a mistake, but remaining silent because it is uncomfortable is not helpful. 
  2. Say somethingAge-appropriate explanation is better than silence or avoidance. Without guidance to develop a framework for understanding, children will draw their own conclusions that may not be based in fact.
  3. Be open and honest – some people get treated unfairly based on their skin color, culture, or religion. By doing this, we help prepare them to challenge these issues when they arise. Share your own feelings with your child. 
  4. Model it – Talking to students about the importance of embracing differences and treating others with respect is essential, but it’s not enough. Acknowledge differences and emphasize the positive aspects of our differences. Remember silence indicates acceptance.
  5. Do something – Take a stand when you witness injustice. This is the time to help our children grow into adults who value and honor diversity. 
  6. Encourage activism – Promote ways for your family to get involved in causes you care about.
  7. Monitor media consumption and be aware of conversations in front of children.

A great article for talking about race with your children is linked here.  

As well, here is a list of books that are available for checkout from the HUB through the lens of diversity and inclusion.  Currently, the HUB team is working to pack up the library for renovation, but Nat is working to ensure many of these books will be available to check-out over the summer.  

Here is a list of digital texts, curated by Epic, to start a conversation about race.   

Our Last Week of School for 2019-2020 and our ES Assembly
Unfortunately, as you have seen, we are not able to open campus next week for students. Therefore, we will continue with full Virtual School.  Our final assembly will be live on Zoom at 9:30 on Friday, June 12th (please note the time change).  The Zoom link will be shared by teachers.  There will be student MCs, slideshows, celebrations and goodbyes.  You do not want to miss it!  As usual, our last day on Friday is a half day of school.

Help Us Celebrate our Graduating Seniors!  Class of 2020 Parade
On Friday, June 12, our senior class will parade around Nichada in golf carts. We would love for you to find a spot on the parade route to clap and cheer them on.  The parade will be from 8:30-9:00 or so – more information will be coming early next week regarding the parade route.  Our ES Assembly will start at 9:30 on Zoom so that our community can participate in this event to celebrate our graduates.

Panther Pounce Results
Congratulations and a big ROAR to the Elementary School for winning the school wide “Panther Pounce” reading challenge!
Elementary School Readers Readers logged an amazing 1250 hours of May reading!

High School Students – 840 hours
Middle School Students – 580 hours
Adults – 530 hours
ISB – 3000 + Hours

Summer Book checkout

Great News!  The new ISB HUB automated book checkout system is now up and running.  Please visit the web page for more details on how to participate.

(Repeat) ES Progress Reports 
ES Progress Reports will be available online via PowerSchool on Monday, June 15th after 12pm.  Normal usernames and passwords are required.  For technical support please email

(Repeat) Join the ISB Amazing Race Thailand

This event is open to all ISB Community members and their extended families and encourages families and friends to stay fit! You can register as an individual, family or as a team of friends. You can choose different levels of challenges so everyone can do it!

All information and registration links can be found on the website:

Did you miss the deadline? No worries. You can start later too, just register as soon as possible. But you will have some catching up to do! 

(Repeat) Moving from Thailand?
Each year the counselors facilitate a workshop for parents who may be moving and leaving ISB to help smooth the transition that families may undertake. This year the process of moving may present even more challenges given the current trying conditions. The counseling department has put the information they usually share into a Screencast hosted by Doug Williamson (ES), Colleen Coady (MS) and Kevin Callahan (HS). You can find the broadcast here. If you still have questions or concerns after viewing the Screencast, then please contact your child’s counselor.

(Repeat) ES HUB News
Please click on the link to go to the Youtube channel.

(Repeat) If You Know you are Leaving ISB
Families who are leaving ISB at the end of the school year are asked to inform the school as soon as possible using the official Notice of Online Withdrawal Form.  This helps us prepare school records for your child and with planning for next year.  

eNews Guidelines
Shelley Bragg

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience, we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement

  • A title for your announcement
  • An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Director of Marketing and Communications for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

Calendar of Events
June 2020

June 10 Grade 5 ‘Moving On’ Celebration 8:00 am (on Zoom)
June 12 ES Final Assembly (on Zoom) – 9:30 am 
  Last Day of School (Half Day)
June 15 ES Progress Report Goes Online
June 22 Virtual Summer School Begins

June 2020

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8 9 10 11 12
8:00 am G5 Moving On Ceremony on Zoom   ES Final Assembly

Time 9:30 am

        Last Day of School (Half-Day)
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