We all need a RECHARGE this Summer

by Dennis Harter

As we wind up the school year, students, parents, and teachers alike have worked hard, stared at a computer for way too long, and are exhausted. The strain of global news, the pandemic’s impact on travel plans, and the day to day grind of virtual learning has put a drain on all of us. 

At ISB we wanted to provide our community with a resource to help us all find fun ways to “RECHARGE” our energy. For so many of us connection with family, travel, adventure, and rest during the summer months give us that boost and recharge our personal “batteries.” 

So with the amazing work of Ms. Kehe, the MS Librarian, we have put together our RECHARGE program … a resource for ideas for all of us to try, enjoy, and find excitement in. 


For students who want to keep track of the things they’ve done, we created a simple form to log different ideas. But the idea is to have some fun, try some new things, and do the things that we love and give us energy. Some will want to keep track and try something from every category … others will just look for ideas in the areas they love. It’s all good!

We just want to provide ideas, so no one can say, “I’m so bored … I’ve got nothing to do….”  

We hope that this resource is helpful to families and we will keep adding ideas as we come across them.

Let’s all RECHARGE this holiday!

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