HS Counseling News

Kevin Davy

As I write this note, we are still not sure if our students will be returning to campus with us next week. We hope that we can connect with them to close out the school year. Especially those students that will be departing ISB to new adventures. If approved and we can open, our counselors will be on call to support students and teachers throughout the two days with any struggles they have with coming back on campus. Our students and teachers really need to be commended on the resilience and commitment displayed during the shift to virtual learning. Truly Outstanding!

All grade 9, 10 and 11 students have received their list of courses for next year.

Be sure and check with your son/daughter and make sure that they have the courses that suit their needs. Any questions, ask your school counselor.

Lastly I will share with you a nice little positive blog post, share a hug this weekend!



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