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‘Virtual Finish’  

Dear Parents,  

What a wonderful week of graduation celebrations for our seniors and culminating performances and exhibitions by our wonderful musicians and artists. June 1-3rd saw 130 ISB Seniors receive their Diplomas from their parents as they walked across the stage in the Chevron. With the support of a wonderful team of office staff, B and G, our AV tech team and HS Admin team the Chevron was transformed and families were able to celebrate in style on campus this week. The final graduation ceremony and video will be released and shared on the last day of school at 6 pm via Facebook live and youtube live, so do keep a lookout for the link and more details next week.    To finish off the school year for our seniors we are holding a Senior Graduation golf cart parade on Friday, June 12th starting at 8.30 am from the school car park. Seniors will drive past teachers on campus, before heading out around Nichada on a predetermined route. Students, parents, and community members are encouraged to come out (with appropriate social distancing) and cheer the seniors as they make one last lap around Nichada wearing their graduation gowns and caps. We will publish the route and timings early next week, but please note that we have moved final assemblies, etc for ES/MS and HS so that all students living at Nichada can come out to cheer in the morning.    Last week of school.  We have just received news that International schools are not permitted to open on June 8th and therefore we will continue with virtual school next week. Monday, June 8th – Wednesday, June 10th will continue as per our current virtual schedule and we will organise a modified schedule on Thursday and Friday that includes class times, advisory, house events before finishing with a virtual assembly on Friday, June 12th at 10.30 am. Exact details about the modified schedule will be shared on Monday with students. Further information about the return of books, resources, and collecting yearbooks, etc will be shared early in the week.    Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to the last week of school.   

Justin Alexander  
HS Principal 


Book and Equipment Return

Andy Vaughan

Dear Parents, later today an Enews will be sent from Dr. Davies, which will outline the final week of school. In particular, please pay attention to the process for returning all books and equipment, which will take place on the following dates:

Thursday & Friday June 11-12: 12.00-2.45pm
Saturday June 13: 8.00-11.00am
Monday & Tuesday June 15-16: 8.00-11.00am and 12.00-2.45pm

Please book a time to return all books and borrowed equipment through the link in this enews article.

Please note:

  • Grade 11 students do not need to return IB books unless instructed by their teacher as courses are two year in length.
  • Students who are leaving the country immediately after school concludes will need to sign up for a slot on Thursday or Friday of next week.
  • Students who need to have items cleared from their locker will need to complete a form that will be sent out this weekend to ensure their items are available for them when they drop off their items.
  • Students departing ISB will need to return all items in order to have any documents released.

We will be sending a detailed list of items outstanding by each student by Wednesday of next week. All students and parents will receive this email


Departing Students

Andy Vaughan

Students who are departing ISB and need to request documents prior to leaving ISB will receive a link to a form to request any ISB documentation. For any parent that has any specific needs, please email Khun Fon directly ( These document request forms will be sent out on Monday morning to all departing parents and students.


PowerSchool Closed

Justyna McMillan

In order to finalise grades and Predicted Grades for our Gr11 IB  cohort, students and parents will not be able to see these sections on Powerschool until Tuesday 16th June.  All other features in Powerschool will still be available – including final exam schedules etc.


Student Schedules for rising Gr11 and Gr12

Justyna McMillan

Schedules for the Academic Year 2020-2021 have been shared with students on PowerSchool. If you were unable to see your schedule initially, these will be visible again once PowerSchool reopens fully, on June 16th. Please be patient until then. The master schedule still requires adjustment before school starts in August. It is possible that some classes will move periods or students will be shifted to balance class sizes before the semester starts. It is also likely some elective courses will need to be changed as the schedule continues to be adjusted. Students will have the first 8 days of school to make adjustments based on discussion with their counselor. Final student schedules will be posted by the first day of school in August. 


Student Schedules for rising Gr9 and Gr10
Justyna McMillan

Schedules for the Academic Year 2020-2021 for rising Grade 9 and Grade 10 students will be emailed to students early next week. Please be on the lookout for your schedules from Monday June 8th.  The master schedule still requires adjustment before school starts in August. It is possible that some classes will move periods or students will be shifted to balance class sizes before the semester starts. It is also likely some elective courses will need to be changed as the schedule continues to be adjusted. Students will have the first 8 days of school to make adjustments based on discussion with their counselor. Final student schedules will be posted by the first day of school in August. 


HS Counseling News

Kevin Davy

As I write this note, we are still not sure if our students will be returning to campus with us next week. We hope that we can connect with them to close out the school year. Especially those students that will be departing ISB to new adventures. If approved and we can open, our counselors will be on call to support students and teachers throughout the two days with any struggles they have with coming back on campus. Our students and teachers really need to be commended on the resilience and commitment displayed during the shift to virtual learning. Truly Outstanding!

All grade 9, 10 and 11 students have received their list of courses for next year. Be sure and check with your son/daughter and make sure that they have the courses that suit their needs. Any questions, ask your school counselor.

Lastly I will share with you a nice little positive blog post, share a hug this weekend!


College Counselors News

Andrew Weiser

Grade 12 – University Check-In

Seniors should be regularly checking their University’s website for Covid-19 updates (about what the start of school will look like, F-1 student visa info, registering for classes, etc.)  Seniors should also be checking with the Embassy of the country they will enter for university about Student Visas.

Grade 12 – Final Transcripts

Senior final transcripts have been sent to the “Attending” university listed on Cialfo.  Most were sent electronically, while others had to be sent by Mail (DHL).  Those students that need IB results sent in July, should have notified Khun Mook as to where their IB report is to be sent.

Grade 11 – SAT Registration

The College Board has announced that they are experiencing extremely high demand for SAT registration at this time. Students have been and may continue to have difficulty registering for future exams.  Please continue to check the College Board website and don’t panic because ISB is a “closed” test center and is capable of handling all of the ISB students who register before the deadline. There is no concern that spaces will fill up before you are able to register online.

Grade 11 – Junior Webinar – College Counselors had a Webinar for Juniors this past Tuesday (June 2). The recording will be available soon on the College Counseling Site mentioned below.


College Counseling Site: Virtual Visits, SAT Testing, Screencasts, Recordings, etc.

The move to virtual learning has increased the number of emails for everyone. In an effort to help ease this, the College Counseling Office has created a site to serve as a “One-Stop-Shop” for important college-related information. There you will find information about SAT testing, screencasts about various aspects of the college process, and a list of virtual/online university info sessions and tours. This list is a living document that we will be updating as we receive information from colleges and universities around the world.

Please bookmark this site and check it frequently for updates!

Please do not hesitate to email your College Counselor if you have any questions.


PANTHER ROARS (/ˈpanTHər/ /rôrz/) noun 1. 

Anthony Giles

Full, deep, prolonged utterances of positive expression by ISB community members in response to the world pandemic. Check out the newest projects including the MS Online Art Exhibition, Legs for Legs (reprise),  Anon(ymous), the IB Virtual Art Exhibition, the High School Orchestra Virtual Concert (password is MUSIC), and the High School Choirs singing Don’t be Afraid.  

Congratulations to our community of ISB readers! 

Maggie Hagen

In total, ISB logged over 3,000 hours of reading during the month of May. 

Elementary School Readers – you logged over 1250 reading hours!

High School Students – 840 hours

Middle School Students – 580 hours

Adults – 530 hours


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