Book and Equipment Return

Andy Vaughan

Dear Parents, later today an Enews will be sent from Dr. Davies, which will outline the final week of school. In particular, please pay attention to the process for returning all books and equipment, which will take place on the following dates:

Thursday & Friday June 11-12: 12.00-2.45pm

Saturday June 13: 8.00-11.00am

Monday & Tuesday June 15-16: 8.00-11.00am and 12.00-2.45pm

Please book a time to return all books and borrowed equipment through the link in this enews article.

Please note:

  • Grade 11 students do not need to return IB books unless instructed by their teacher as courses are two year in length.
  • Students who are leaving the country immediately after school concludes will need to sign up for a slot on Thursday or Friday of next week.
  • Students who need to have items cleared from their locker will need to complete a form that will be sent out this weekend to ensure their items are available for them when they drop off their items.
  • Students departing ISB will need to return all items in order to have any documents released.

We will be sending a detailed list of items outstanding by each student by Wednesday of next week. All students and parents will receive this email

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