Your Child’s Classes in 2020-21

by Cindy Plantecoste, MS Vice Principal

You now may access the list of courses that have been tentatively scheduled for your child for the 2020-2021 school year.  This list of courses is based upon the requests that students submitted earlier this year, and upon recommendations that teachers made for their placement. 

At this time, you will only be able to see the courses assigned, and not the teacher or the period during which the classes will take place. The courses are listed in a random order, not in the order of the classes in your child’s schedule.

Over the summer, the master schedule will still require adjustments. It is possible that some classes will be moved to a different period, or that students will be shifted to an alternate section, or a new  elective in order to balance class sizes. 

Please note that we work very hard to build the schedule to match the requests that your child submitted earlier in the year.  For this reason, if your child has been placed in electives that s/he indicated as being their 1st – 4th choice, we won’t accept requests to change their schedule for 2020-2021.

Click on this link to see how to access the list of courses scheduled for your child

Each course listed on the document represents one semester of study in that course.  Courses listed two times are year-long courses (one semester + one semester). You should see at least 16 semester-long courses listed.  If your child is missing a course, this means that we are still working on getting your child into one of the preferred electives. In any instance where there  are not 16  semester-long courses listed, your child should contact the counselor.

Finally, due to the uncertainty surrounding the start of next year, please understand if we need to make changes to your child’s schedule in order to follow any new regulations from the government.

If you have concerns about your child’s course assignments, please have your child contact the counselor as soon as possible, and before the end of the day on June 5th.


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