‘Nearly There’

Dear Parents,

As I mentioned in last weeks’ E News, we are inching closer to the end of the school year and the opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge our students (and teachers) hard work, persistence, and flexibility in this current environment. The challenges of conducting ‘school’ which has a huge social aspect, online in a virtual setting are well known to us all but our students have been fantastic in their approach, attendance, and involvement over the last 11 weeks. Finishing school will also prove to be a challenge, particularly if our campus remains closed through June 12th, but I have huge confidence in our Admin team, counselors, and teachers that we will finish the academic year with positivity and optimism for the future. 

As the situation regarding school openings is quite fluid, we do have two plans in place for the structure of the last week of school.  Parents have received communications outlining when High School students would be permitted to come onto campus if government approval is given. In short, Grade 9-11 students could attend school on Wednesday, June 10th (A-L), and Thursday, June 11th (M-Z). We would also make arrangements for our Seniors to come on campus during that week as well. Virtual school (including planned end of unit/semester assessments) would continue as planned right through until Tuesday, June 9th before students return to campus on June 10th or 11th. 

If we do not receive government approval to open campus, we will continue with virtual school right through June 12th, following the assessment calendar already published to students and close with a virtual assembly on June 12th. Once we know more from the relevant government authorities we will explain in more detail what the last week of school will look like. In the meantime stay safe, stay well and enjoy the weekend

Justin Alexander
HS Principal

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