MS Single Page View

Last week of School

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

As many in our community know, we are still waiting for a government decision on whether ISB can open our campus to students before the end of the year. We are planning for both the possibility of being on campus and what we might do if we remain in Virtual School through the end.

As shared in school-wide communication, the MS plan IF we are allowed on campus, would be to have grade levels attend schools on separate days. We would have:

  • June 9 – Grade 8 on campus
  • June 10 – Grade 7 on campus
  • June 11 – Grade 6 on campus

The timing would be from 8-11:30 AM to allow for students to be on campus, but also to limit exposure and to allow deep cleaning before the next school day for students. While at school, students would have time in their Advisory and then spend a short time visiting each of their teachers in all 8 of their classes. At the end of the day, students would take home their locker contents (already bagged) and collect a Yearbook.

More information will be provided about what students will do at home on those days next week, but we will not do regular Zoom classes on June 9-11 if on campus, so that all faculty can be part of the safety requirements in place at school.

We hope that we can bring students on to campus to say goodbye to their teachers and friends and close out this strange year with some positive time at school.


Collecting belongings from Lockers

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

As the 2019-20 school year comes to a close, the middle school needs to collect school materials back from students and students needs to collect their own materials still on campus – mainly items stored in their lockers.

IF students are able to come on to campus in the last week of school, then students will be given the contents of their lockers (already collected, bagged, and labeled) and take the items home from school with them.

If the students are NOT able to come to campus, then we will prepare a schedule for families to come to school in the final week, to return laptops, collect materials, and pick up a Yearbook.

Our hope is that we can do the former with students on campus.

In some cases, families are packing up their shipment or leaving before the last week of school and students must collect their locker contents earlier so that they may include them in their packing. If this is the case for your family, please complete this form and we will prepare your child’s locker contents and leave it by the front gate. 

If you don’t need the materials before the last week of school, we ask that you do NOT fill out the form, so that our resources aren’t stretched as we also prepare for possible school reopening.  


Your Child’s Classes in 2020-21

by Cindy Plantecoste, MS Vice Principal

You now may access the list of courses that have been tentatively scheduled for your child for the 2020-2021 school year.  This list of courses is based upon the requests that students submitted earlier this year, and upon recommendations that teachers made for their placement. 

At this time, you will only be able to see the courses assigned, and not the teacher or the period during which the classes will take place. The courses are listed in a random order, not in the order of the classes in your child’s schedule.

Over the summer, the master schedule will still require adjustments. It is possible that some classes will be moved to a different period, or that students will be shifted to an alternate section, or a new  elective in order to balance class sizes. 

Please note that we work very hard to build the schedule to match the requests that your child submitted earlier in the year.  For this reason, if your child has been placed in electives that s/he indicated as being their 1st – 4th choice, we won’t accept requests to change their schedule for 2020-2021.

Click on this link to see how to access the list of courses scheduled for your child

Each course listed on the document represents one semester of study in that course.  Courses listed two times are year-long courses (one semester + one semester). You should see at least 16 semester-long courses listed.  If your child is missing a course, this means that we are still working on getting your child into one of the preferred electives. In any instance where there  are not 16  semester-long courses listed, your child should contact the counselor.

Finally, due to the uncertainty surrounding the start of next year, please understand if we need to make changes to your child’s schedule in order to follow any new regulations from the government.

If you have concerns about your child’s course assignments, please have your child contact the counselor as soon as possible, and before the end of the day on June 5th.


Your confirmation about Virtual Summer School… 

Dear Parents,

Scheduling of our virtual summer school classes is almost complete. By the end of this weekend, you should receive an email confirming your child’s scheduled class(es), or a note stating they are on the waitlist. In the same email, it will also state which classes still have space available and steps to follow if you’d like to join one of those.


Purpose of the ISB Virtual Summer School Program: 

To provide students with supplemental academic learning and/or enrichment opportunities, and to provide some opportunities to explore areas of interest through a variety of virtual “camps”. 

Dates and Times for ISB Virtual Summer School 2020:

  • Opens – Monday, June 22

  • Closes – Friday, July 3

  • Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Bangkok time

For any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact me.




Mr. Maurilio Baron-Toaldo

ISB Summer School Director


MS Online Art Exhibition

Please enjoy MS student works expressing their ideas and perspectives in collage, print, paint, and pencil. These artists engaged in the creative process to bring their ideas to life! In lieu of the traditional live exhibition in Chevron Gallery we are hosting the MS Art exhibition online this year.




Starting at 3:00pm, Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Link to join Webinar

Join nearly a dozen ISB Design, Fine and Performing Arts Alumni from across the world for a discussion about life after ISB pursuing art and design degrees and careers.  Artist alumni include Imogen Alexander (Musical Theatre), Jacelia Breedlove (Dance), Ink Duangsri (Dance, Theatre Technology – Lighting Design), Jace Payackapan (Music – Contemp. Writing & Production), Alex Roberts (Lighting and Sound Design), Chris Rogers (Graphic Design), Ellen Sypolt (Stage Management), Alex Sypsomos (Music – Contemp. Writing & Production) and more. 



Legs 4 Legs Reprise

Here’s a link to the “no-host” version of Legs 4 Legs 2020 outside of Zoom; it’s about 50 minutes (so it’s a big file – 15 Gig). The donations information is included. We’re still accepting donations throughout the weekend, May 30th! So, please share this AMAZING array of dancing and help raise awareness and support for the Thai Prostheses Foundation of HRH the Princess Mother.



Repeat Announcement: Join the ISB Amazing Race of Thailand from 15 May – 8 June

This event is open to all ISB Community members and their extended families and encourages families and friends to stay fit! You can register as an individual, family or as a team of friends. You can choose different levels of challenges so everyone can do it! 

All information and registration links can be found on the website:

Did you miss the deadline? No worries. You can start later too, just register as soon as possible. But you will have some catching up to do! 






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