Last week of School

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

As many in our community know, we are still waiting for a government decision on whether ISB can open our campus to students before the end of the year. We are planning for both the possibility of being on campus and what we might do if we remain in Virtual School through the end.

As shared in school-wide communication, the MS plan IF we are allowed on campus, would be to have grade levels attend schools on separate days. We would have:

  • June 9 – Grade 8 on campus
  • June 10 – Grade 7 on campus
  • June 11 – Grade 6 on campus

The timing would be from 8-11:30 AM to allow for students to be on campus, but also to limit exposure and to allow deep cleaning before the next school day for students. While at school, students would have time in their Advisory and then spend a short time visiting each of their teachers in all 8 of their classes. At the end of the day, students would take home their locker contents (already bagged) and collect a Yearbook.

More information will be provided about what students will do at home on those days next week, but we will not do regular Zoom classes on June 9-11 if on campus, so that all faculty can be part of the safety requirements in place at school.

We hope that we can bring students on to campus to say goodbye to their teachers and friends and close out this strange year with some positive time at school.

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