A Few Words About a Possible Reopening the week of June 8

We are very excited about the possibility of having students back on campus. On June 8th and 9th, the elementary school would be able to reconnect with each other and bring a feeling of closure to the school year. 

You will have seen many safety plans in our whole school communication, as well as on the ISB Website.  We know some of these procedures might feel unfamiliar to you and your children.  Know that if we open, ES teachers and administrators will provide a welcoming, nurturing and warm environment for students to return to.  Videos around some of these procedures are being produced using the panther, which you can watch with your child so they can picture what it might feel like.  

Since parents will not be allowed to accompany students to class, entrance and exit procedures will be staggered.  As well, we will be encouraging those students that are able to ride their bikes or walk to do so, to reduce the number of cars/golf cars arriving on campus.  

More detailed information would come in a Special ES eNews next week, should we get the approval to open for students.  

Virtual School on June 4th
In the event that we are allowed to open campus the week of June 8, on Thursday June 4, elementary faculty will be participating in safety meetings, configuring classrooms to meet social distance requirements, and walking through procedures/protocols. Therefore, there will only be asynchronous learning posted that morning on SeeSaw.

Teachers will not be available that day for synchronous learning (Zoom) nor will they be giving feedback to work posted on June 4.

If we do not open campus, June 4 will continue as a regular virtual school day.

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