So Proud of Our Middle School

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

As we complete our 11th week of online learning and campus closure, I remain astounded and impressed by the terrific engagement our middle school students have demonstrated in this time of Virtual School. I want to share my deep appreciation for the support at home of parents and the commitment to learning of each and every student. While it has been an unnatural and challenging learning environment for many – students continue to try, to engage, and to learn.

Credit is also due to our teachers and counselors who continue to work with students, support their wellbeing, and make the learning interesting. The catch phrase, “building a plane while it’s in the air” gets used a lot to describe organizations that adapt on the fly and do something impressive as they do so. There is no more deserving group for this recognition than the educators who have adapted, created, and succeeded the way our faculty have. It is with awe and appreciation that I celebrate the work that they’ve done for your children.

With 3 weeks of school remaining, we will be wrapping things up and there will be a lot of communication about closure, end of year procedures, and celebrations. I thought it was important before we got lost in that to acknowledge the hard work of parents, students, and faculty and staff that has made this difficult time as successful as it has been.

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