College Counselors eNews

Andrew Weiser 

Grade 11

Junior Webinar – Juniors were sent a questionnaire to ask any questions they may have for College Counselors.  These questions will be the bases for a Junior Webinar on Tuesday, June 2 at 8:15am.  A link will be provided to Juniors next week.

College Counselors are ready to review any essay rough drafts!!  Please ask your child if they started any College Essays!! 

SAT Registration for the school year 2020-2021 starts on May 26.  SAT test dates for Semester 1 are August 29, September 26, October 3, December 5


Virtual University Visits

College Counselors are sending information to students about Virtual University Visits.  We are aware of the abundance of emails and do not want to overload the parents in-box too.  Please ask your child about the virtual visits if you would also like to attend.  

Here’s an example:

Students interested in the University of British Columbia – UBC will host a Virtual visit on Wed, June 3 at 10:00 AM (Thailand time).  Here’s the Zoom link for the event: (we realize this is a Thai holiday, but this time was set by UBC) 

Please do not hesitate to email your College Counselor if you have any questions.

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