
Dear Parents,

As we move closer to the end of the school year we can start to turn our attention to celebrating the successes of our students and recognising their achievements. This is proving to be a bit more difficult in the current climate, as we are not physically on campus and therefore are not able to celebrate together. However, it is important that we do take time to celebrate and recognise the great work and talents of our students. I would like to take some space in today’s E News to do this. 

Firstly, our Seniors will be participating in their drive-in graduation on June 1st, 2nd and 3rd whereby our seniors will be able to come onto campus (separately) with their family in order to receive their ISB HS Diploma, a gift from PTA and be filmed and recorded for the graduation film/video due for release on June 12th. In the meantime you can see the wonderful artwork of our ES students who have painted/drawn/sketched portraits of all our Seniors which are now hanging on the front gate of ISB. At the same time our wonderful Senior parent group with support from the PTA and HS Office have arranged for our seniors Yearbook photos to be blown up life-size and made into posters. These posters are hanging outside DaNichada residences close to school. For those not able to see these portraits/posters in person you can visit our ISB High School Instagram page for a few select photos. 

Secondly, we will be hosting our annual Awards night on Wednesday 27th May at 6.30pm to recognise students who have excelled in academics, athletics, the arts, and service. More details including a zoom link to that night can be found later in this newsletter. 

Additionally we have some great news to share about the wonderful work of our Grade 12 Extended Essay students from their exhibition in February. There is a wonderful video interview on Zoom about the EE and see a snapshot of some of our students’ work by clicking on these links below. 

Interview on ZOOM about the EE

Snapshot of EE from students 

Blog on ISB Website

Lastly, there are a number of events coming up for all students and parents to join in and watch relating to the Arts. Mr. Giles has included messages and information about these elsewhere in this edition of E News. 

HS Visual Arts DP Art Exhibition – Framed (open now for viewing)

THE CC DRAMA THAT NEVER WAS: Anon(ymous) by Naomi Iizuka Wed 27th May ~ 4pm

Link to join CC Drama Webinar https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85208514610  



Link to join Alumni Webinar https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82595302751 

Have a great weekend and do keep a lookout for these great celebratory events as we move towards the end of the school year. 

Justin Alexander
HS Principal

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