ES e-News for May 14, 2020

Tomorrow Friday, May 15 No Virtual School
May 15 is a school holiday. There will be no virtual school on that day.

Summer Book Check Out
The HUB summer book check-out is beginning today!  Please click here for more information on the process and the google form for making requests.  

ES Curriculum Overviews
We have been working on a video project to support you while your children are learning at home.  Please use the link here to find videos listed by grade level and by language.  We hope that you find these videos helpful and that they give you the tools and ideas to guide your child’s learning during these final weeks. 

ES Family Engage & Upcoming Summer Learning Parent Engage
Thank you to all the families that joined our Family Engage today with guest consultant Fiona Hamilton!  In the days leading up to the workshop, participants sent Fiona words that have puzzling spellings. Fiona then guided families through an inquiry-based approach to understand how we use the meaning, structure and history of words to help us explain the spelling of these words. It was wonderful to have students and parents learning together and we hope to have more Family Engage opportunities in the future! 

Our next Parent Engage will be on Summer Learning, and it will be hosted on Thursday, May 28th from 1-2:30.  Mark your calendars – registration will open next week!  

Fostering Inquiry at Home
Kath Murdoch, an education consultant who specializes in an inquiry-based approach to learning, shares with us a two-part series of video clips to help grow and sustain inquiry during remote learning. The first clip provides parents with an overview of seven very simple things that can be done to support inquiry at home. It includes suggestions such as using everyday materials, resisting the urge to answer questions, and sharing ideas and theories by exploring things together. In the second clip, Kath outlines some additional tips that encourage children to explore their personal interests and passions, and to use the outdoors to stimulate wonder and questioning.

Clip One:  (Password: isbinquiry)

Clip two:  (Password: bonusinquiry)

(Please Note: these clips are not to be shared outside of our ISB community)

End of Year Progress Report
Teachers have been interacting with students, observing their learning behaviors, and assessing student work throughout virtual school.  As you can imagine, there are a few challenges in evaluating learning in an online format, as it is not the same as having students in class.  It is difficult to go in-depth around concepts, and to understand how much support students have had or how independently they have worked through learning tasks in virtual school. Therefore, the Trimester 3 report card looks different than the other 2 trimesters this year. 

We have consulted educational experts and collected input from our teachers about the best format for reporting this learning.  The consensus has been that we should have a narrative report in order to describe the learning that teachers observed during this time period. Therefore, on June 12, you will be able to access a trimester 3 progress report through Powerschool. It will be a narrative report from homeroom teachers, support teachers, and specialist teachers. Typical marks toward a standard will not be recorded for this trimester, however, the learning observed in this environment will be described. The progress report will be an official document, with all of the formality necessary for a report card.  Please know that schools all over the world are amending their report cards, and various forms of reporting will be accepted at future schools. 

PE Celebration of Learning (COL)
Our PE Celebration of Learning (COL) this year will be done virtually through a video submission.  Please watch this video to gain a better understanding of the process. Students are encouraged to submit a 20-second video clip of a trickshot or a skill they are most proud of. They will upload the video to the PE folder in their Seesaw account and title it “PE COL.” We ask that this is done by Thursday, May 28.  Thank you and we look forward to seeing your child’s trickshot or skill!

-ES PE Team

Class Placement Process
Due to various scenarios for opening school in August, the class placement process will look different this year.  Classes will be created this summer by a team of counselors and administrators, with input from teachers. Several variables need to be considered, including possible social distancing requirements, size of groups, enrollment numbers, and if we will open with some format of online learning. Rest assured that we have exceptional teachers and that this class placement team knows your child well. We work hard to create well-balanced classes with great matches for each student.

Donations for Second Chance Bangkok 

Moving? – Time to CLEAN OUT!

From May 25th – June 3rd, Grade 3 students will be collecting donations for
Second Chance Bangkok. Please bring in gently-used clothing, books, toys, and working appliances. You may drop off donations at the covered bike shelter near the front gate of ISB, beginning May 25th. If you have larger items for donation, such as furniture, please contact Second Chance Bangkok at and they will arrange pick-up from your home.

Second Chance Bangkok is a local initiative and a Fair Trade organization in the Klong Toey Slum that uses donated clothing to create upcycled goods. They provide opportunities for people who have experienced barriers to employment, and they also finance projects that support families in the slum.  Your donations are greatly appreciated!

-Grade 3 Team

Panthers Pounce Reading Challenge

Update!  The Elementary School is off to a winning start for our Panthers Pounce Reading Challenge!  ES students read an amazing 500+ hours in just one week! ROAR!  Keep up the great work, Elementary School, and remember that any reading counts towards our goal… audio books,  digital books, paper books, Mr. Whitman Read alouds and more.  Don’t forget to log your time every Monday- visit:  Keep it up!

Join the ISB Amazing Race Thailand

This event is open to all ISB Community members and their extended families and encourages families and friends to stay fit! You can register as an individual, family or as a team of friends. You can choose different levels of challenges so everyone can do it!

All information and registration links can be found on the website:

Did you miss the deadline? No worries. You can start later too, just register as soon as possible. But you will have some catching up to do!  

(Repeat) Portrait Hunt 
Greetings, creative ES kiddos & families! Following on from our special Portraiture assignment this week, we have set up a fun portrait hunt around Nichada Thani. There are 15 different famous artists represented in these posters. Each poster is a self-portrait by a famous artist and an artist statement about their work. Grab your family, get on your bike, golf cart, walk or run, and see how many of these artists you can discover. Always be careful on the roads and keep safe! If you like, you can take a selfie with your favorite portrait and email it to: and it might be put on Facebook. This is an optional activity, just for fun, and there is no need to post images in Seesaw. Watch this video to learn more!

Have a great time!
Ms. Harter & Ms. Nichols

(Repeat) Parent Resource:  Reading at Home

Video series 

(Repeat) Moving from Thailand?
Each year the counselors facilitate a workshop for parents who may be moving and leaving ISB to help smooth the transition that families may undertake. This year the process of moving may present even more challenges given the current trying conditions. The counseling department has put the information they usually share into a Screencast hosted by Doug Williamson (ES), Colleen Coady (MS) and Kevin Callahan (HS). You can find the broadcast here. If you still have questions or concerns after viewing the Screencast, then please contact your child’s counselor.

The ISB Booster Club is pleased to announce the chance to purchase Booster gear from now until May 29!  Refer to the catalog and place an order by sending an email to:

Order received Monday-Thursday each week will be available for pick up or delivery locally within Nichada on the Friday.  Delivery for orders outside of Nichada will be handled on a case by case basis.

Once a Panther, always a Panther.  Go Panthers!

(Repeat) Registration for ISB VIRTUAL SUMMER SCHOOL 2020

Dear Parents,

A reminder that because the number of seats available is limited, it is recommended that you complete and submit the online registration form as soon as possible by the end of this weekend.

We will begin next week scheduling classes and student placements will be assigned based on the order registrations were received with each individual class only being scheduled if there is sufficient enrollment. You will receive a confirmation via email later in May once we have finalized the schedule and classes.

The ISB Virtual Summer School Program is open to all students enrolled at ISB for the 2019-20 school year. New students joining ISB in August will be able to participate only if there are seats available; the exception to this is the Virtual MS/HS EAL Summer Courses which are open to both present EAL students and new EAL students joining ISB in August. 

Please register your child for virtual summer school as the grade level they are presently in now during the 2019-20 school year.

Purpose of the ISB Virtual Summer School Program: 

To provide students with supplemental academic learning and/or enrichment opportunities, and to provide some opportunities to explore areas of interest through a variety of virtual “camps”. 

Dates and Times for ISB Virtual Summer School 2020:

  • Opens – Monday, June 22
  • Closes – Friday, July 3
  • Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Bangkok time

Students can sign up for either the academic program or enrichment camps, but not both. Please read carefully the more specific information provided about each program and special interest camp tentatively being offered and for the registration procedures, by visiting the Summer School webpage on the ISB website.

For any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mr. Maurilio Baron-Toaldo
ISB Summer School Director

(Repeat) ES HUB News
Please click on the link to go to the Youtube channel.

(Repeat) If You Know you are Leaving ISB
Families who are leaving ISB at the end of the school year are asked to inform the school as soon as possible using the official Notice of Online Withdrawal Form.  This helps us prepare school records for your child and with planning for next year.  Completed forms can be dropped off at the ES Office.

eNews Guidelines
Shelley Bragg

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience, we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement

  • A title for your announcement
  • An email contact for further information

 Where to submit your announcement is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Director of Marketing and Communications for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

Calendar of Events
May 2020

May 14-27 Summer Book Selection & Ordering
May 15 School Holiday (No Virtual School)
May 20 Hub Book Return
May 25-June 3 Donation for Second Chance Bangkok
May 28 Parent Engage 1:00-2:00 pm
May 28 Due PE COL Video submit
May 29 School Holiday (No Virtual School)

May 2020

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
18 19 20 21 22
  6:00 pm BOT Meeting Hub Book Return    
  6:00 pm PTA General Meeting      
25 26 27 28 29
      Due PE COL Video submit

1:00-2:00 pm

Parent Engage 

School Holiday

June 2020

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 2 3 4 5
    H.M. Queen’s Birthday (No-School)   8:00 am First Friday with Andy
8 9 10 11 12
    8:00 am G5 Moving On Ceremony on Zoom   9:00 am ES Final Assembly
        Last Day of School (Half-Day)




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