Portrait Hunt

Greetings, creative ES kiddos & families! Following on from our special Portraiture assignment this week, we have set up a fun portrait hunt around Nichada Thani. There are 15 different famous artists represented in these posters. Each poster is a self-portrait by a famous artist and an artist statement about their work. Grab your family, get on your bike, golf cart, walk or run, and see how many of these artists you can discover. Always be careful on the roads and keep safe! If you like, you can take a selfie with your favorite portrait and email it to: isbcommunications@isb.ac.th and it might be put on Facebook. This is an optional activity, just for fun, and there is no need to post images in Seesaw. Watch this video to learn more!

Have a great time!
Ms. Harter & Ms. Nichols

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