Home School Partnership – Student Safety

At ISB, we value our role as partners in the community. As such, we try to reach out to families when we feel there are risky behaviors taking place either by, or to, our student community.

It has come to our attention recently that during this time of social isolation, some middle school students are gathering in the late hours of the night in Nichada Thani to socialize and engage in risky behaviors. We assume that this means students are sneaking out of their homes, since we expect most parents wouldn’t allow their middle school aged children to go out in the hours after midnight. 

It is important to share that, in addition to the inherent risks of substance use at this age of important brain development, it is also a violation of current curfew laws. 

Please note that this is not a widespread problem, but rather involves a small number of students. We do feel it is important for us to share what we’ve heard, so that parents may be aware and follow up with their own children if they feel it’s necessary.

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