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Student-Led Conferences

We hope by now you have engaged with your middle school children in their “Student-Led Conference.” Students and parents who have shared positive feedback on the process along with a few suggestions for improving, which we appreciate. Most importantly, many have agreed that it was helpful to see and hear the student own and explain their learning and goals going forward. 

If you haven’t spoken to your child about their learning yet (or they haven’t taken the initiative to set this up with you), please set aside 30-40 minutes to do this. As always, please feel free to reach out to the counselor or a specific teacher if you have any further questions.


MS Faculty Read-Aloud 

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

Connected to the launch of the Panther Pounce Reading Challenge (see other announcement in this eNews), the Middle School teachers have joined me in a read-aloud of the popular book about a middle school student, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” by J. K. Rowling. 

While MS students don’t listen to read-a-louds often, there are many young people who still enjoy the chance to get off screens, listen and let their imagination run with the story. Regularly in middle school, students get short read-alouds with their teacher and this is something that is hard to replace virtually.

So in another attempt to reach out to our wonderful community, teachers have come together to read this book. While the readings are videos, we certainly don’t expect anyone to “watch” us reading. Listeners can read along or just listen and relax. We may have one listener or many … kids may listen alone or with their siblings and family … either way, we are happy to celebrate reading, great stories, and the power that storytelling has in bringing us together. 

For privacy reasons, the links and videos are only available to those with an ISB account. Students are also receiving the link and information through the bulletin, but if you want to start with some early chapters this weekend, have your MS child go to this link:

Join us at Hogwarts!


Aligning Online Behaviors with ISB Values 

Virtual School has put us all in a new situation for learning and we have been really happy with attendance and students’ engagement overall. Of course, we also understand that adolescents can test boundaries and be tempted by all the distractions present while learning at home each day.

Again, while we are, overall, so impressed with students behavior and engagement, we also want to support them and set expectations that are clear and aligned with our ISB Values as we plan to continue this learning environment for the extended future.

MS Teachers will be using this “poster” to help guide students behavior in line with the Values and we thought it worth sharing with parents as well. Hopefully it can be helpful to you at home as you set expectations for study, learning, and participation online.


50 Years of Earth Days – Awareness and Action 

This past week, on April 22nd, throughout the world people recognized the 50th year of Earth Day. At ISB, we hope to spread environmental awareness and action by providing students and families with resources with which to learn more, contribute in meaningful ways, and do our part. 

Mr. Kerry Dyke prepared Earth Day Bingo Challenge for our community and we encourage families to get involved. The instructions are simple:

  1. Engage in any/some/all of the suggested activities
  2. Document with video or photos in a poster what you’ve be learning/doing. 
  3. Submit your media to the folder.

To see the challenge click here: Earth Day 2020 Bingo Challenge , watch the first videos and then follow the links that interest you.

(note below are just an images … no links on these)


Panthers Pounce: The Great ISB Reading Challenge

Let’s “pounce” into our ISB community reading program. 

  • Panthers Pounce is an ISB School-wide May reading challenge where everyone – students, staff, and families – can join the fun! 
  • You participate by logging your time and reading any book. 
  • Your reading could include eBooks, audioBooks, or read-to-me books on Epic. Your reading can even include storytime with Mr. Whitman. 

We will launch our Panthers Pounce May reading challenge on May 1st. From the very young to the very old, anyone can pounce on a good book! 


LIVE FROM BOSTON! Jace Payackapan in Concert 7:00pm Friday, May 1 


Singer-Songwriter and Producer, Jace Payackapan (ISB Class of ’16), has been working on her musical art since she was little. A recent Contemporary Writing and Production Graduate of Berklee College of Music Jace now spends her time in Boston area studios recording and producing original music and vocalizing on other writers’ projects. Locally she has been awarded Trinity College London’s (Guildhall) distinction for all grades in both piano and vocals. Additionally, she received Thailand’s National 1st place for Trinity Pop & Rock Vocals in 2015, 2016, and 2017. 


Repeat Announcement: Panther Roars

(/ˈpanTHər/ /rôrz/ noun 1. Full, deep, prolonged utterances of positive expression by ISB community members in response to the world pandemic.

Look for performances and exhibitions from our Design, Fine and Performing Arts students over the next few weeks as they find creative ways to showcase their work – virtually! Meanwhile check out our Community Connections page, or Panther Roars, where you can see or share JOYFUL ART, GRATITUDE, OPEN MIC PERFORMANCES, STORIES and HAPPINESS!!!








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