Upcoming ES Parent Engage: Supporting Your Child During Virtual School – Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 9AM

Date: Thursday April 30th, 9:00 AM

Focus of our time togetherIn collaboration with our counselling department and our Learning Coach, this session will focus on the social emotional wellbeing of your children as well as tips to support academics while learning from home. 

We are all on a journey and no week is the same. During Virtual School, you have a new role as facilitator of your child’s learning.  We recognize this is challenging and we want to partner with you. Come and join us at our next Parent Engage on Zoom where we will offer support and strategies.  

Learning is everywhere and teachers are everywhere!  

In order to have a sense of numbers, please sign up at this link to attend this Parent Engage.  The link to the Zoom call will be emailed out to registered parents the day before the session.

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