Student Led Conferences this weekend

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

Middle school students have used some class time recently to reflect on their learning up to this point in the year. In particular, this semester has presented new challenges with Virtual School and this has been at the forefront of students’ experiences. 

Through this reflection process, we have prepared students to host you, their parents, for a Student-Led Conference. I prepared this video to help them lead you through the conference.

Please make arrangements with your child this weekend, to have a Student-Led Conference. Your child will use documents on their laptop to lead you through their learning reflections and goals in all of their classes, as well as share their reflections on their experience as a whole. This is a new process for students and normally we would be able to practice a little at school first, but students will give it their best shot.

We hope that the Student-Led Conference gives you insight into your child’s learning this semester. As always, if you have specific questions about a specific class, please feel free to reach out to the teacher.

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