Panthers News

Panther (Community) Activities Refunds Given the uncertainty around school closure beyond April 30, we have decided to move ahead with pro-rata refunds for Panther Activity sessions through the end of the school year. Please keep in mind that should school open again in May, we would offer activities aligned with the then current health recommendations related to campus access, group size, and physical distancing. Refunds made via bank transfer will be disseminated the week of April 27 with cash refunds scheduled for pick up outside the Community and Arts Office beginning May 4 by appointment only. Note that refunds will be processed only after receiving the information requested in the survey HERE which is due on or before Thursday, April 23. Thanks again for your patience and consideration during this difficult time. Questions? Contact Anthony Giles or Lucas Rivera at or

Panther Roars (/ˈpanTHər/ /rôrz/ noun 1. Full, deep, prolonged utterances of positive expression by ISB community members in response to the world pandemic. Check out the newest Community Connections projects HERE including Open Mic, Who Do You Know?, and The Thank You Project. We are looking for teacher and student responses of gratitude for workers on the frontline fight against COVID-19, stories about people you know that have been directly impacted by the pandemic, or songs, dances and slam poetry to share within our own community and beyond. Please ask your classes to participate today!

LIVE FROM BOSTON! Jace Payackapan in Concert a HS Arts Council/Panther Roars Production Live on Youtube Friday, May 1 (time and link to be provided later)

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