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Student Led Conferences this weekend

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

Middle school students have used some class time recently to reflect on their learning up to this point in the year. In particular, this semester has presented new challenges with Virtual School and this has been at the forefront of students’ experiences. 

Through this reflection process, we have prepared students to host you, their parents, for a Student-Led Conference. I prepared this video to help them lead you through the conference.

Please make arrangements with your child this weekend, to have a Student-Led Conference. Your child will use documents on their laptop to lead you through their learning reflections and goals in all of their classes, as well as share their reflections on their experience as a whole. This is a new process for students and normally we would be able to practice a little at school first, but students will give it their best shot.

We hope that the Student-Led Conference gives you insight into your child’s learning this semester. As always, if you have specific questions about a specific class, please feel free to reach out to the teacher.


Encouraging Physical Activity with a little Fun 

We all know the importance of staying active in this time of home stays and self isolation. Students and teachers alike need to get up and get moving. Our PE department has ensured that students are active and moving a few times a week, but we encourage everyone to do a bit more. Not only is it good for our physical health, but it’s also good for our mental health. Middle School teachers got into the spirit with a little fun, putting together a lip synch video to encourage our community to get up and get moving.

Let’s face it … we feel “better when we’re dancing!”


Capturing these unusual times 

We are still putting together our Middle School Yearbook and we need photos from home capturing life during these unusual times. Please send photos of home learning spaces and middle school life at home to so that we can use these in our 2019-20 school yearbook.


If you are leaving ISB 

Families who are leaving ISB at the end of the school year are asked to inform the school as soon as possible using the forms located in the ISB Parent Portal.  This helps us prepare school records for your child and with planning for next year.  If you are unsure of where to find these forms, please email Khun Namwan in the MS Counseling Office at


Panther (Community) Activities Refunds 

Given the uncertainty around school closure beyond April 30, we have decided to move ahead with pro-rata refunds for Panther Activity sessions through the end of the school year. Please keep in mind that should school open again in May, we would offer activities aligned with the then current health recommendations related to campus access, group size, and physical distancing. Refunds made via bank transfer will be disseminated the week of April 27 with cash refunds scheduled for pick up outside the Community and Arts Office beginning May 4 by appointment only. Note that refunds will be processed only after receiving the information requested in the survey HERE which is due on or before Thursday, April 23. Thanks again for your patience and consideration during this difficult time. Questions? Contact Anthony Giles or Lucas Rivera at or


Arts & Activities Trip Refunds 

Refunds for cancelled arts and activities trips this semester are being organized out of the Community and Arts Office for distribution in the next couple of weeks. Refunds made via bank transfer will be disseminated the week of April 20 with cash refunds for those who do not have Thai bank accounts scheduled for pick up outside the Community and Arts Office beginning April 27 by appointment only. Note that refunds will be processed only after receiving the information requested in the survey linked HERE which is due on or before Monday, April 20. Thanks again for your patience and consideration during this difficult time. Questions? Contact Anthony Giles at Stay healthy and safe!

Repeat Announcement: LIVE FROM BOSTON! 


a Panther Roars Production

Live on Youtube Friday, May 1

(time and link to be announced)

Repeat Announcement: Panther Roars

(/ˈpanTHər/ /rôrz/ noun 1. Full, deep, prolonged utterances of positive expression by ISB community members in response to the world pandemic.

Look for performances and exhibitions from our Design, Fine and Performing Arts students over the next few weeks as they find creative ways to showcase their work – virtually! Meanwhile check out our Community Connections page, or Panther Roars, where you can see or share JOYFUL ART, GRATITUDE, OPEN MIC PERFORMANCES, STORIES and HAPPINESS!!!




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