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Zoom, Webinars and Seniors

Dear Parents,

A shorter week, but another one filled with learning and activities for our students at ISB. We have recommenced some of our regular school activities with the assistance of technology by holding whole school assemblies, grade level webinars and the second semester Principals’ Forum Webinar next Wednesday at 11am. (Details about registration in next article) 

We are working with our clubs to restart their meetings where appropriate and look for ways to showcase and celebrate our artists work in the months ahead. 

We are approaching the last week of formal school for our Seniors who despite having experienced a very disrupted year are full of energy and spirit as they start the countdown for their last day of classes on Thursday April 23rd. We have plans in place to help celebrate their successes and achievements at ISB with an upcoming drive-in graduation, awards assemblies, messages of support and congratulations from the community and their graduation on May 30th. It is unlikely that we will be able to hold a formal on campus graduation as in previous years, but we are working with the HS Parent Graduation committee and Senior Student Council to make their final year memorable and celebratory. 

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you at the Principal’s Forum webinar next week on Wednesday. 

Justin Alexander
HS Principal 


Principal’s Forum meeting/webinar

Please join us at 11am on Wednesday April 22nd for the first HS Principal’s Forum Webinar. This forum was originally scheduled for March 20th, but due to the closure of our school campus that meeting did not eventuate. We are now able to schedule a Zoom Webinar instead, where the HS Admin team can answer questions that have come forward about Virtual School, course registration, end of year planning, CAS planning and other questions about curriculum etc. There will be an opportunity to pose other questions during that forum as well. Please follow the details below in order to register for the zoom webinar. 

How to register for the Principals Forum Webinar – Wednesday April 22nd 11am. In order to attend/view the online Webinar you will need to first register using your email address, enter your name and the grade levels of your HS children. 

Click HERE to register.

Justin Alexander
HS Principal


MORRISBY CAREER ASSESSMENT – Information & Registration

Andy Vaughan/
Alex Becker

We are offering an opportunity for students in Grade 10 and 11 at ISB to take this very thorough career assessment. One of the key factors is that it is not a test that allows students to “lead” the answers. (For example: if they want to be a lawyer they cannot make the results be law as they can in many inventories.)

The ISB Counseling Office believes that the process of self-discovery is key to a rewarding university search process. Some adolescents have a clear vision of their interests, talents, and the direction of their future, while others grapple with answering questions like, “What do I want to study in university?” or “What career most interests me?” or even, “What makes me happy?”

Your child does not need to feel anxious about answering these questions too quickly; however, if they want to explore these questions, we can offer a comprehensive tool, the Morrisby Profile Test, developed by the Morrisby organization (

  • The Morrisby Profile Test is based on extensive research spanning over 30 years. It is one of the leading psychometric assessments used by 70% of independent schools in the UK and many international schools around the world.
  • The Morrisby Test identifies attributes that are important in the performance of a particular profession for example, manual dexterity for surgeons.
  • The Morrisby Test provides each student with a detailed report of their results. The report focuses on reasoning, and problem-solving, general abilities (verbal, numerical, perceptual), practical ability (spatial, mathematical), planning style, working with your hands. In addition, topics covered are learning styles, personality (awareness, flexibility, inner conviction, decisiveness), aptitudes, interests.
  • Additionally, the report offers suggested high school courses for Grades 11/12 and potential career pathways. 
  • Each student is given a password and username to allow lifetime use of the Morrisby career guidance and UK course search databases.

We are excited to offer this optional experience to our students. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please watch a couple of videos by Morrisby to get more of a feel of what they offer:  – An explanation of what your results would like. 

How Much Does this assessment Cost? 
Students taking this assessment will need to make a payment of 1000 baht, payment details will be sent upon registration.


How do I register for this assessment?
Please follow this link to register your interest to complete the assessment. At the moment we have twenty slots available, which will be offered on a first come, first served basis. If there is a demand for more assessments we will look to accommodate this need.


Grade 11 CAS/EE Webinar

Becky Hansberry

All Juniors should attend the CAS/EE webinar hosted by Mr. Kelly and Ms. Hansberry on Wednesday, April 22nd, at 8:15 am.  Learn how to finish up CAS for grade 11, what the next steps are for your EE, and get your questions answered. Zoom invitations to students are coming soon via email. 


High School Counseling eNews 

Jackie Valenzuela

While our location has shifted during Virtual School, we have done our best to maintain the same level of counseling support to our students.  Every week we are checking in with as many students as possible. In addition, teachers notify us if they have a social/emotional concern about one of their students.  We then follow up right away and notify parents if necessary. If you have a concern about your child, please reach out to their counselor. If you are unsure of the name of your child’s counselor, please contact a high school administrator, who will point you in the right direction.


College Counseling eNews 

Andrew Weiser

Grade 10- Course Selection

College Counselors have reached out (by email or Zoom) to all Grade 10 students about course selection, including four days of open office hours (Zoom).  Conversations revolved around the follow questions:

  1. To what countries are you thinking about applying for university?
  2. What are you thinking about studying?
  3. What courses have you signed up for next year?
  4. IB Diploma  YES or NO
  5. What specific questions or concerns do you have about your courses and university plans?

If any students or parents have any questions relating to course selection and university study, please contact your student’s College Counselor

Grade 11 – Student Led Junior Conferences- are continuing!!!
We are still waiting for some Juniors to sign up for their Junior Conference. Did you, as a parent, have a Junior Conference yet with your child and College Counselor?  If not, please ask your child to schedule. 

Grade 12 – Student Visa for Study outside your Passport Country
Students should be checking their University website and respective Embassy about Student Visa’s (Canada, UK, U.S. etc.)  For example: At the U.S. Embassy, the visa operations are currently closed and there is no date yet when it will reopen. Students should continue to check the U.S. Embassy website.  College Counselors will present a Screencast (end of April) about the procedures and documents needed to apply for a U.S. student visa.

University Deposit
Please check the University website for the deposit deadline.  Students should indicate their “Attending” University in Cialfo so the Final Transcript can be sent in June.



Virtual University Visits
College Counselors are sending information to students about Virtual University Visits.  We are aware of the abundance of emails and do not want to over load the parents in-box too.  Please ask your child about the virtual visits if you would also like to attend. Here’s one for tomorrow (April 18 EST):

Screencasts Coming

We will be announcing Screencasts on varying topics for both parents and/or students.  Example- we emailed a screencast to G11 students about asking their teachers for Letters of Recommendation.  College Coffee Screen Casts are coming toward the end of April, beginning of May. These will include applying to the: UK, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, and the Netherlands.

Please do not hesitate to email your College Counselor if you have any questions.


Panther (Community) Activities Refunds 

Anthony Giles

Given the uncertainty around school closure beyond April 30, we have decided to move ahead with pro-rata refunds for Panther Activity sessions through the end of the school year. Please keep in mind that should school open again in May, we would offer activities aligned with the then current health recommendations related to campus access, group size, and physical distancing. Refunds made via bank transfer will be disseminated the week of April 27 with cash refunds scheduled for pick up outside the Community and Arts Office beginning May 4 by appointment only. Note that refunds will be processed only after receiving the information requested in the survey HERE which is due on or before Thursday, April 23. Thanks again for your patience and consideration during this difficult time. Questions? Contact Anthony Giles or Lucas Rivera at or


Panther Roars

Anthony Giles

Panther Roars (/ˈpanTHər/ /rôrz/ noun 1. Full, deep, prolonged utterances of positive expression by ISB community members in response to the world pandemic. Check out the newest Community Connections projects HERE including Open Mic, Who Do You Know?, and The Thank You Project. We are looking for teacher and student responses of gratitude for workers on the frontline fight against COVID-19, stories about people you know that have been directly impacted by the pandemic, or songs, dances and slam poetry to share within our own community and beyond. Please ask your classes to participate today! 




Arts & Activities Trip Refunds 

Anthony Giles

Refunds for cancelled arts and activities trips this semester are being organized out of the Community and Arts Office for distribution in the next couple of weeks. Refunds made via bank transfer will be disseminated the week of April 20 with cash refunds for those who do not have Thai bank accounts scheduled for pick up outside the Community and Arts Office beginning April 27 by appointment only. Note that refunds will be processed only after receiving the information requested in the survey linked HERE which is due on or before Monday, April 20. Thanks again for your patience and consideration during this difficult time. Questions? Contact Anthony Giles at Stay healthy and safe!





New Arts Council  Leadership Team

Anthony Giles

Congrats to Natalie Zhu, Aarika Bawa, Isis Sampermans and Emmy Thamakaison, the new Arts Council Officers for 2020-21. Interested in joining Arts Council for next year? Fill out the Council Common App soon.

LIVE FROM BOSTON! Jace Payackapan in Concert 

Anthony Giles

a HS Arts Council/Panther Roars Production Live on Youtube Friday, May 1 (time and link to be provided later) 





Xuan Fan/Becky Hansberry

Support the “Alone Together” fundraiser starting from April 11 to 25! Starting from 3-8 pm, look out for a donation box and a poster in front of the ISB guardhouse. Stop by and donate any amount of money you wish and sign the poster once you’ve done so! All the proceeds raised will be donated to iCare, who will use the money we raise to provide more N95 masks, care packages, and hot meals to a number of hospitals around Bangkok to protect the lives of our healthcare workers! If you have any questions, contact Xuan Fan at and look out for the donation box starting this Saturday!


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