MORRISBY CAREER ASSESSMENT – Information & Registration

Andy Vaughan
Alex Becker

We are offering an opportunity for students in Grade 10 and 11 at ISB to take this very thorough career assessment. One of the key factors is that it is not a test that allows students to “lead” the answers. (For example: if they want to be a lawyer they cannot make the results be law as they can in many inventories.)

The ISB Counseling Office believes that the process of self-discovery is key to a rewarding university search process. Some adolescents have a clear vision of their interests, talents, and the direction of their future, while others grapple with answering questions like, “What do I want to study in university?” or “What career most interests me?” or even, “What makes me happy?”

Your child does not need to feel anxious about answering these questions too quickly; however, if they want to explore these questions, we can offer a comprehensive tool, the Morrisby Profile Test, developed by the Morrisby organization (

  • The Morrisby Profile Test is based on extensive research spanning over 30 years. It is one of the leading psychometric assessments used by 70% of independent schools in the UK and many international schools around the world.
  • The Morrisby Test identifies attributes that are important in the performance of a particular profession for example, manual dexterity for surgeons.
  • The Morrisby Test provides each student with a detailed report of their results. The report focuses on reasoning, and problem-solving, general abilities (verbal, numerical, perceptual), practical ability (spatial, mathematical), planning style, working with your hands. In addition, topics covered are learning styles, personality (awareness, flexibility, inner conviction, decisiveness), aptitudes, interests.
  • Additionally, the report offers suggested high school courses for Grades 11/12 and potential career pathways. 
  • Each student is given a password and username to allow lifetime use of the Morrisby career guidance and UK course search databases.

We are excited to offer this optional experience to our students. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please watch a couple of videos by Morrisby to get more of a feel of what they offer:  – An explanation of what your results would like. 

How Much Does this assessment Cost? 
Students taking this assessment will need to make a payment of 1000 baht, payment details will be sent upon registration.

How do I register for this assessment?
Please follow this link to register your interest to complete the assessment. At the moment we have twenty slots available, which will be offered on a first come, first served basis. If there is a demand for more assessments we will look to accommodate this need.

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