Photograph and Video Permissions during Virtual School

Dear ISB Parents,

Within the communications team, we are working hard to share stories of the teaching and learning taking place during ISB Virtual School. 

ISB has a policy in place that student images (without the use of names) taken on the ISB campus or during ISB activities can be used on ISB approved marketing channels (official social media channels, eNews, website, touchstone magazine) without seeking additional permissions from parents.

Although ISB Virtual School is an ISB activity, there are additional implications with using images taken in your homes and we want to provide parents with the opportunity to Opt Out of this standard ISB policy.

Should you prefer for photographs showcasing online learning that include your child not to be used on our ISB Marketing channels, please inform us here. Should you not choose to Opt Out, please note that we may use pictures of your child without seeking additional permission from you. We ask that you complete this form by April 20th.

Please note that no names are used with the images unless we have prior consent from parents to do so.

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