ZOOM in the ES

Next week, you will notice and increase in synchronous learning in ES, using Zoom.  We have been responding to feedback and doing even more research about best practices in elementary schools.  The more that we learn about synchronous and asynchronous learning and the more we hear from experts in the field, the more important it becomes to focus on being responsive and flexible. Teachers will match the tool and format based on the identified learning goals.  Those will vary at different grade levels and even across different teachers.

All students will have an invitation to connect daily with their teachers and classmates on Zoom. The goal for this time is around social and emotional needs. ES students need to feel that connection to school and to each other; they want to share and feel a sense of belonging.  

Something to keep in mind is that when teachers use synchronous platforms like Zoom, they set up opportunities for active engagement and provide “in the moment” feedback to students. This might mean that you, as a parent, see a decrease in written response from teachers on student work.  We believe both “in the moment” feedback as well as responses to student work help students to improve and grow as learners.

We are looking forward to hearing your feedback on a future Parent Survey.  Your input on past surveys is helping to shape the adjustments in this evolving Virtual School environment.

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