Student-Led Conferences coming up

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

Last week we shared information about the prep work students are doing ahead of Student-led Conferences. Below is a repeat of this announcement, adjusted for timing.

This week, in each course, teachers spent time working with students through a process that guides students to reflect on their learning to date. Students considered how online learning has impacted this and will reflect on pieces of work that demonstrate their understanding.

Part of the reflection process helped students set goals for their learning for the remainder of the school year.

The end goal of this will be for students to be able to engage in a Student-Led Conference with parents after April 17th.  Student-led conferences are commonly used in middle schools around the world to engage students in their learning and to help shift “ownership” of that learning from the teacher to the student. 

Research supports the positive impact of student-led conferences as students “reflect on their own words on how far they’ve come, where they still need to learn, and what they’re proud of.”

Perhaps this quote from “4 Ways Student-Led Conferences Can Impact Your School,” sums it up best: 

“When students are included in the conversation, they understand they need to be actively involved in their own academic and social progress.”


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