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Appreciation for Parent Feedback

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

Last week, parents completed our second parent survey regarding Virtual School. Parent’s feedback helps us identify what is going well and what ways we can continue to improve what we are doing. Thank you for your contributions to this feedback. We value it greatly.

In general, parental feedback was very positive. Parents are reporting that across the board, their children are demonstrating terrific Self-Management and Adaptability. 

I’ve shared a few other highlights from the survey below:

Students tend to be spending between 3 and 7 hours of time on their learning. This is right where we want it to be – and we will continue to reach and support those that are taking much longer.

 Overall, we seem to be getting the workload amount right. We continue to look at ways that we can provide additional challenge (not necessarily more “work”) for those that want it.

Looking at your suggestions, it’s helpful to share some of the areas that we continue to plan for:

  • managing the amount of time during a lesson that teachers are “on” vs time to do work
  • bringing more middle school feel and fun events
  • planning for end of year celebrations and acknowledgements
  • find ways to encourage student interaction online that isn’t school work

Finally, thank you for sharing so many positive comments. Our teachers are working very hard to connect, encourage, and teach your children. They’ve adapted quickly to this new learning environment and are providing students with wonderful opportunities for learning progress. 

As always, we will continue to strive to get better, but in the meantime, thank you for your suggestions and your affirmations. Truly, we are so thankful for our supportive community.


Student-Led Conferences coming up 

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

Last week we shared information about the prep work students are doing ahead of Student-led Conferences. Below is a repeat of this announcement, adjusted for timing.

This week, in each course, teachers spent time working with students through a process that guides students to reflect on their learning to date. Students considered how online learning has impacted this and will reflect on pieces of work that demonstrate their understanding.

Part of the reflection process helped students set goals for their learning for the remainder of the school year.

The end goal of this will be for students to be able to engage in a Student-Led Conference with parents after April 17th.  Student-led conferences are commonly used in middle schools around the world to engage students in their learning and to help shift “ownership” of that learning from the teacher to the student. 

Research supports the positive impact of student-led conferences as students “reflect on their own words on how far they’ve come, where they still need to learn, and what they’re proud of.”

Perhaps this quote from “4 Ways Student-Led Conferences Can Impact Your School,” sums it up best: 

“When students are included in the conversation, they understand they need to be actively involved in their own academic and social progress.”


Online access to Library eBooks 

Running out of things to read?

In these times of social distancing and campus closure, our ISB library continues to encourage reading through eBooks and the use of the SORA app (by the company Overdrive). The app allows “checking out” of eBooks through ISB. Our students already have accounts, but we want to continue to encourage parents to use this service too. Audio books are also available … perfect for that social distancing walk around the lake!


Panther Roars

(/ˈpanTHər/ /rôrz/ noun 1. Full, deep, prolonged utterances of positive expression by ISB community members in response to the world pandemic.

Look for performances and exhibitions from our Design, Fine and Performing Arts students over the next few weeks as they find creative ways to showcase their work – virtually! Meanwhile check out our Community Connections page, or Panther Roars, where you can see or share JOYFUL ART, GRATITUDE, OPEN MIC PERFORMANCES, STORIES and HAPPINESS!!!






a Panther Roars Production

Live on Youtube Friday, May 1

(time and link to be announced)



Repeat Announcement: Update on ISB Summer School 2020 


Understandably, there are many uncertainties ahead due to the COVID-19 coronavirus incidents around the world. We are presently planning as regular for our ISB Summer School 2020 which will run from Monday, june 15th to Friday, July 10th. You can go to the ISB website to access all information about dates, programs, and fees, and to submit a registration form online.

We encourage people to plan ahead and register. Please note that with the uncertainties around the world right now with the COVID-19 coronavirus, there will be no cancellation fees applied for people who register and then cancel by May 15th. This date will be reviewed as we get closer to it. Our EarlyBird prices for tuition are still available until Friday, April 24th.

New this year is our structure for the MS Academic Program where students will take English, Math, Science, and PE as part of their summer school day, and we have 5 new Special Enrichment Camps available this year for MS students in addition to camps from other years!

New to our Special Enrichment Camp offerings this year:

MS Arts and Crafts (1 week) June 15 – 19 for students entering Grade 6 – 9 in August.

MS Badminton and Table Tennis (1 week) June 15 – 19 for students entering Grade 6 – 9 in August.
MS Instrumental Music Summer Camp – (1 week) June 15 – 19 for students entering Grade 7 – 9 in August.
MS Math Enrichment – Fun with Math! (1 week) June 15 – 19 for students entering Grade 6 – 9 in August.
ISB Panther Swim Camp; Experience the “Panther Way” (1 week) June 15 – 19 for students entering Grade 2 – 12 in August.

For any questions, please email


Best Regards,

Mr. Maurilio Baron-Toaldo

Summer School Director


Repeat Announcement: Panther Activities 

Dear Panther Activities Students and Parents,

We miss your kids and hope that they are healthy and staying active and engaged during ISB’s campus closure in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Once open again, it is our hope that make-up lessons and classes will be offered alongside regular sessions until the end of the school year. In the meantime, some teachers, following the ISB Digital Learning Safeguarding Guidelines may be offering virtual sessions starting next week, for those who are interested. While this is not the same as being together, it is our hope that the opportunity to continue learning for your child, and the connection with coaches and other kids, albeit online, would be of value.

Many of you have inquired about activity refunds which we are examining on a pro-rata basis for classes we are not able to make-up. We will be in touch the week of April 20-26 with details once more is known about the length of the school closure. 


Anthony Giles and Lucas Rivera



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