Feedback from the ES Parent Survey

Thank you for completing last week’s Parent Survey.  Here are some of the data points:

We had 230 parents respond.

How much time are students spending on Virtual School?

Do you feel the time that your child is engaged with Virtual School every day is:

We all know that Virtual School is not the same as when we are on campus. We are craving the day when we can get back to that environment and to the experiences that we love.  The virtual classroom makes it more difficult to differentiate learning and get instant feedback from the learners in front of us. Even though we have time guidelines for Virtual School found in our Community Handbook, each student is unique and time on task varies.  The above data tells us we are on the right track, and we will continue to make adjustments as we move forward. As always, if you feel that the workload is too much for your child, please let your child’s teacher know. Also, if your child is completing tasks under our guidelines and you are looking for additional learning activities, contact your child’s teacher or look here for additional opportunities.  


We received many narrative comments, including suggestions for improvement and a very large amount of compliments for our teachers!  Most were about the dedication and hard work our teachers are putting forth and the recognition that we are improving Virtual School on a consistent basis.

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