With virtual school having started in early March and now running for the foreseeable future, we have developed a different method for students to reflect with their teacher on their learning progress so far. In the week of April 6 to 10, students will go through a reflection process in each of their classes. Teachers will work with students on their reflections helping them identify what has been going well, where further attention might be needed, and/or setting goals for the remainder of the term. Students will then lead a conference at home with their parents, sharing how their learning has been going. To support this, assessments and assignments will be graded and up to date on PowerSchool for parents to view going into the Spring break. Teachers and counselors will continue to contact parents directly in any instances of concern regarding a student’s learning progress or engagement. As always, if you have any specific concerns or questions, we ask you to contact the teacher directly.
More information next week on the process that we will use with students.