Helping Students be successful in Virtual School

As virtual school is extended for the foreseeable future this year, we want to make sure that we support students and parents at home as they engage in the learning. While much of this is new to all of us, there are several things that we know help students engage with the learning in these different times.

Last week we shared a checklist, however with our recent change in schedule, we have prepared some new documents to help students make the most of their learning situation away from on campus school.

This daily planner helps students plan out their day, by first noting what ISB “Day” it is and what classes they have meeting that day, with a reminder of the times.

Students can note the work they have to do, whether they are checking in live or have specific work to submit, or what the expectations of the teachers are.

Also, the planner reminds students to look after their own wellness with suggestions to interact with others, express some gratitude, take screen breaks, drink water, and be active.

We hope that it will be useful to students. 

This poster shares tips on what  it takes to be successful in a virtual school situation.

If you have access to a printer, we recommend that you download the PDF linked above and print it to hang on your fridge or place near your child’s work area.

If not, you could also save the image to the right (or the linked PDF) and make it the desktop wallpaper of the computer.

We hope that these documents are helpful to students and parents to help support learning in this different environment.

With the live interaction for the starts of each class and a schedule that rotates with classes, we hope that students and parents will find some structure and routine in their school day along with reminders about how best to be successful.

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