Request for Communication about Changing Circumstances

We have made changes to the structure of our online learning environment in the Middle School for the coming weeks. Starting Tuesday, we have expectations that students will be online live with their classes following a timed, block schedule. We expect that all students will be able to be there.

Of course, we also understand that circumstances are changing every day for families and globally. As such, some families may be traveling, returning home, or have challenging situations for getting online at specific Bangkok times. 

If there is any reason that your child cannot access the learning through the scheduled format that we are switching to (see other post in these eNews), it is essential that parents inform middle school administration and counselors. You can email or inform your child’s counselor. Reasons might include differing time zones, travel, internet connectivity, etc.

Communication in both directions is essential for us to best support your children during these challenging times.

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