by Dennis Harter, MS Principal
When we return to school on March 23, our first round of Grade 6 and Grade 7 students will begin Unit three of the ISB Wellness program which focuses on Human Growth and Sexuality.
The Grade 6 & 7 Wellness teacher, Ms. Kellie Alexander, is presenting on this unit for interested 6th and 7th grade parents on Monday, 23rd March at 9:00 AM in the MPB 3.
(More information will be provided at a later date for the grade 8 parent presentation)
Aligned with research and international practice, we believe that when young people start their transition into adolescence with accurate information and the confidence and knowledge to understand what is happening to them, they will grow into confident and healthy adults able to make positive choices.
All teaching materials are developmentally appropriate to the age and emotional maturity of the students. The content will be presented in an objective, balanced, and sensitive manner.
If you would like to read more about our curriculum progression and the topics covered please use this LINK.