Parent-Teacher Conferences

This semester has been an interrupted one – with different unexpected disruptions to learning. With the recent decision to move to Virtual School for 5 days, students experience another disturbance to the learning continuity. While we are confident that learning can still progress, we recognize that it is not the same as our regular classroom learning. 

For this reason, we are cancelling parent-teacher conferences for this semester. Originally scheduled for March 5-6, our plan was to reschedule them for a later date. With the additional week of Virtual School, we feel it’s important to reclaim some classroom learning time, and so we will not have the conferences which would further remove classroom time. 

Of course, we understand that feedback on how a learner is doing in class is important both for the student and for parents. We will communicate soon on how we will provide this feedback in another form for all students.

We do not make this decision lightly. We feel we have to put student learning needs first to ensure students make the progress we want for them, this year.


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