by Dennis Harter, MS Principal
As you would have seen from our recent whole school communication, ISB will be shifting to full Virtual School for the week of March 9-13. The campus will be closed and students will be provided learning instruction, resources, and assignments through online means.
More specific information will come from teachers on Monday morning. Students can expect that lesson and assignment plans will be posted for classes before 9:00 AM each day. ISB is well prepared for Virtual School and has mechanisms in place for teachers to connect with students during this event. Please see our community guide for MS Virtual School.
There may be occasional times in which your child will sign in to a online “meet” with their teacher and other students. In these cases, we ensure that the student’s safety and privacy are attended to. Please note the following expectations specific to online connections between student and teachers. Students will be reminded of these, if online meetings are scheduled.
Student Guidelines for Digital Conferencing/Learning
- Dress appropriately, as if you are attending school on a non-uniform day.
- Select a neutral space for the video conference–preferably at a desk or table that is a comfortable workspace with easy access to materials, laptops, internet, etc…. Avoid personal spaces, such as a bedroom.
- Ensure others in the household are aware that there will be a live video recording with individual(s) from ISB occuring at the given time.
- Maintain respectful, attentive behavior and engage in positive interactions with everyone in the session.
Expectations for Parents of Students in Quarantine
- Actively engage in the learning process with your children by asking them about their classes, what they are working on, etc…
- Help children establish an e-learning space at home with limited distractions
- Work with your child to establish a daily routine
- Stay-up-to-date with all ISB communications
While Virtual School does not equal the learning that can happen at school in classrooms and live with teachers and classmates, we are confident that learning progress can continue. For it to be successful, requires more than the efforts of the teachers. It requires your support as well. Please help your child stay on task and ensure that they are completing work assigned on time. Students who fall behind or don’t do work while in Virtual School, find it hard to settle into the learning when they return to school. Help you child build some routines in their schedule, working on school work during the day and connecting with teachers as needed.
Parents have access to PowerSchool Learning, where teachers will post lessons and work for students. We have provided information on how to log in as a parent to PowerSchool Learning.