GCW Stories!

Andy Vaughan

Once again I would like to thank the flexibility of our community for the shift of our international trips to local and in Thailand trips, it has been amazing seeing the adaptability of our students in this situation. The pictures from the week are a great example to show that our students have been engaged in some incredible opportunities to extend their thinking about communities around them, develop their compassion and care, and has connected them to a range of new friends who they were not necessarily connected to prior to this week.

If you haven’t had a chance to look at the Instagram Feed from our trips, please check out the High School Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/isbhighschool/ Please also take the chance to talk to your child about their experiences while away. What challenged them? What did they learn about themselves? What will they do differently or appreciate in a new way because of the experiences they had this week? We hope these GCW stories deepens some of the learning that our students get while away.

For families with children who were on international trips, you should have received an email about refunds that explains that these will be prepared and ready for pick up in mid-March. In order to prepare the cheque for this refund, please respond to this email by Monday 24 February so we have the details of the payee for the cheque to be issued. 

With the coming February break we hope that our students get a chance to sleep in, recover from the week and that they return in March ready and recharged for the next stretch of school through to Songrkan. 

Andy Vaughan
High School Dean of Students

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