Course Registration for 2020-2021 for students moving from grades 6 to 7, and 7 to 8

By Cindy Plantecoste, MS Vice Principal

Our class registration process for 2019-2020 school year is getting started for students who are currently in grades 6 and 7.  Starting today, you may click on this link to access the updated Program of Studies for 2020-2021. As a first step, we would ask that you read over the Program of Studies with your child to see what s/he is excited about learning next year and to identify electives that your child might want to request. It is also important for you to review the course requirements carefully.

On February 17 and 18, we met with current grade 6 and grade 7 students to explain the registration process, distribute paper course registration forms, emphasize course requirements, as well as where your child has choice in his/her schedule.  During these sessions, we also answered any questions that students had. Additionally, we reviewed the timeline for online and paper registration. Registration in PowerSchool will open on Monday, March 2 and will close on Friday, March 6th, at the end of the school day.  Students are also required to submit their paper registration to the counseling office by March 6th.

Your child will need to choose his/her electives: performing arts, visual arts, design technology and engineering classes, or other electives, and will also be asked if s/he would like to continue with the current world/native language, or to begin a new one. Students who take intensive studies or EAP support classes would generally be exempt from taking a world/native language class.  All of our Thai Nationals must study Thai language.

Once you have completed and signed the paper registration form with your child, please have your child register online through PowerSchool (if s/he is unable to log in, please contact Khun Arintra in the MS office. ext: 4407). Please click here to see how your child can register in PowerSchool.  Registration will be open between March 2nd – March 6th and is NOT first come, first serve. Be sure to take the time to consider options with your child, so that s/he is confident about their selections. We create our schedule based on student requests.  We’ve attached our course registration worksheets to register for grade 7 and for grade 8 to assist you in your planning (you can also find these forms at the end of the Program of Studies).

Students who are leaving ISB during, or at the end of the second semester are still required to complete the registration process. This step will ease the transition to their next school.

Should you have any questions about this process, you are welcome to contact any of us in the main office. We will also be available during Parent, Student, Teacher conferences on March 5 and 6 if you have any questions. We want to make this process a smooth one for your child.

We hope your child is excited about planning for next year in Middle School!


Cindy Plantecoste

MS Vice Principal


** Registration information for 5th to 6th grade will be sent directly to grade 5 parents in the Friday folder.

**Registration information for 8th to 9th grade will be included in MS eNews by the HS 

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