MS Parent-Teacher Conferences Important Information

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

After the February holiday, we return to a short student school week and MS Parent-Teacher (and Student) Conferences. This time we will be hosting them in the Rajendra Hall, which provides more space, better sound dampening, and a shorter walk.

We ask that parents arrive at the beginning of the session they are signed up for to ensure that they don’t run over time. Teacher have a busy schedule, with many seeing over 100 different families over the course of the two days. For this to work, we ask parents and teachers to limit their conversations to 5 minutes or less. If you need more time, please schedule an appointment for another date.

Also, please note that our campus access requirements still apply. These are particularly important due to the arena format and gathering of many people in a single venue. Looking after the health of our community requires the understanding and willing participation of all of our community. If you or your children will have traveled to mainland China at any time within 14 days of conferences, or are have any symptoms of being sick (fever, runny nose, cough, etc), please do not attend conferences. You will be able to schedule appointments at a later date.

Please note that the 14 day window started on February 20th, in order to be able to attend conferences on the 5th of March. We ask that any presence in mainland China after today (Feb. 21) prevent attendance at conferences. 

Thank you for your understanding and commitment to the care and well being of each other.  We look forward to seeing you at conferences.

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