IASAS Cultural Convention @ ISB – March 6!!!

IASAS Cultural Convention @ ISB – March 6!!! Despite the sad news that students from IASAS schools will not be able to travel to participate in IASAS Music, FAD, and DDT events in Bangkok, Taipei and Singapore respectively, we have put together an extravaganza of sorts to celebrate all three CC areas right here at home!!! More details to follow, but plan to attend ISB’s first ever IASAS Combined Dance.Drama.Tech. Forensics.Debate.Music Cultural Convention on March 6!!!  On that Friday join the 70 plus ISB delegates in the CC Building to hear their 35 musical presentations, 12 forensics speeches, 2 dance and drama performances, and at least 2 debates (depending on the outcome of the first 4 virtual rounds held Wednesday afternoon, and all day Thursday, March 4 and 5, in the MPB’s). HS classes are invited to attend all scheduled events as are parents and community members. To the many families who had generously volunteered to house visiting musicians before IASAS Music CC was cancelled – THANK YOU!!!

By: Anthony Giles, director of Arts & Community Activities

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