Bidding a Fond Football Farewell 

Dear Students and Parents,

I am writing to announce that due to their recent acquisition of a large downtown football complex and the coaching staff required to run it, Bangkok FC Academy has recently decided to withdraw from its coaching support of Panthers FC Academy along with all coaching programs at ISB effective August, 2020. Although a huge loss for ISB, we are pleased to announce that the Premier Football Academy, or PFA, has agreed to run Panther Soccer next fall.   In the words of Stuart Welham, Head of Bangkok FC, 

“Having worked in partnership for 15 years, first with the recreational league and then the academy program, this was a hard decision for us. We have enjoyed great success in helping develop footballers each year at ISB and remain committed through the end of the school year to the players we are coaching. We are also committed to working with PFA this spring to create a seamless transition between providers and to ensure a successful hand off next fall. We would like to thank the numerous people we have worked with over the years – teachers, parents and players – and wish everyone the best for the future.” 

Although a big chapter change in our fifteen year partnership, we  look forward to future opportunities for ISB and BFC to work, and play (football) together. Once a Panther, always a Panther!!!


Anthony & Lucas
CAO Office

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