Go Fund Me Fundraiser for Khun Sathit

Some of you will have seen the various posts about this. We would like to chime in and help support this parent led  initiative. Please look at the message below:

“A huge thank you to those who have contributed to Khun Sathit’s Wheelchair Fund. So far we have collected over 50% of the necessary funds (including cash donations).

Khun Sathit has been the Theatre Manager at ISB for almost 30 years. If you have ever been on stage at ISB, taken part in an assembly or a celebration of learning, in a play, a dance or music performance, you have benefited from his work. He gives so much of himself and his unique talents provide us with so many wonderful experiences and memories. 

Since his accident in 1993, he has had to rely on his wheelchair, which after 16 years is continuously breaking down. If you wish to donate, this can be done through the GoFundMe or Cash may be dropped into the collection box in the Community and Arts Office (opposite School Bookstore) at ISB.”

–> Click Here For The Go Fund Me Page <–


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